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- Museum of Medical History
Educational Observers
As an academic health science center, the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) recognizes its role in providing individuals with educational opportunities to shadow or observe events in the healthcare, research, and educational settings, and its responsibility to maintain the health, safety, and confidentiality of its patients. The Office of Academic Affiliations delineates the conditions under which educational observers may interact with the institution.
Individuals 16 years of age or older can serve as educational observers at UMMC and shadow in the areas of healthcare, research, or education under the direct supervision of UMMC employees designated as sponsors. Educational observers are supervised at all times and act as non-participating witnesses when observing events at the institution. Sponsors are UMMC employees who have accepted responsibility for the supervision of educational observers for the duration of the shadowing or observation experiences.
Individuals may identify their own UMMC sponsors and are encouraged to contact the departments of interest to inquire about shadowing opportunities. UMMC sponsors will provide assistance with completing the requirements found below for individuals to be approved as educational observers.
UMMC sponsors of educational observers must complete the process found on the UMMC intranet. Please search "Educational Observers" on the UMMC Intranet for additional information.
Requirements for educational observers are below. UMMC sponsors will provide educational observers with further information about the requirements.
- Online application provided by the UMMC sponsor
- Educational Observer Authorization and Attestation forms (PDF) with parental consent for educational observers 16 to 17 years of age
- Verification of all health requirements and immunizations for MMR, Tdap, Varicella, Hep B using the Non-Employee Health Portal
- Verification of influenza vaccine for observations during flu season
- TB skin or blood test of observations of 6 days or more; TB screening questionnaire for observations of 5 days or less with testing required if indicated or if observing in certain areas
- Criminal history review with the UMMC HR Service Center for observations of 6 days or more
- Additional approval through the Research Visitor Process if observing research
- UMMC-issued badge
For questions, contact the Office of Academic Affiliations.